Working towards
Helping People to Soar High
after leaving abuse of any kind
My Future My Way

Christine is a highly multi talented woman and a lot of people tell her this, opposed to the haters she has who stalk, spread falsehoods because they are to afraid to step into the UN-known for success on the other side.
Christine had the strength to remove all her family and ex husband from her life for good and yes even her children because they were the next link in the chain of abuse on her, You cannot expect any different because they were role modeled into treating their mother like their father did, so Christine felt for her new life road map this was the only way, away from all the abuse.
You can read Christine story by clicking on the button above.

Working towards making an impact in people's lives after having dealt with abuse of any kind.
So what is abuse of any kind?
Physical abuse.
Domestic violence
Covert verbal Abuse
Verbal Abuse.
Sexual Abuse
Workplace abuse
Psychological or emotional abuse.
Digital abuse.
Tall Poppy Syndrome
And the list goes on..

Christine has written four books which are yet to be published. Christine's books are based upon her life of having dealt with abuse in many forms.
Christine books are written in a way that will help you understand that your past does not define who you are, that you are not broken and do not need fixing, Christine books have a self-help course attached to each chapter to help guide you to gain Flight within your Light after leaving abuse helping you to never return to any kind of abuse ever again in your life.
Christine's four books are based upon her four pillars for her speaking she has developed after living and leaving abuse herself.
Teardrops on my Wings
Broken Winged Flight
Flight within your Light
Love without Judgements.
A Thousand Stories, being written at present.
Everyone is on their own journey. Christine is no different, yet her journey is unique to Christine, like all journeys anyone is on, it is unique to them and them alone. No one can understand anyone's journey unless it is spoken by the person living it. Yes, it is as black and white as that. No one is you, no one has your DNA, let alone your finger prints, you are the beautiful unique you and there is no one in this world that is you. Only YOU know YOU.
There is nothing worse than leaving a dysfunctional relationship, it sends you into a downhill spiral, and you lose all self-worth and then you engage in self-doubt which in turn attracts the same type of people towards you, Yes, Christine knows this first hand, she has lived it for a few years after moving back to Christchurch from Sydney and when she lived in her abusive marriage.
Never in Christine's wildest dreams did she think that the stalking she has endured would ruin her life.. Christine is happy to own her life, she is on a journey like every human being, yet.some will speak loud and proud of their struggles so it can help others, and then there is the others, who use your struggles to defame another human being and or out to ruin their lives by stalking, this is one of the reasons behind many stalking incidents.,
Christine's stalker is hell bent on making darn sure to spread falsehoods about Christine, so as to create a multitude of none de-plume names to try and trick Christine into feeling worthless and intimidated.
Christine is one very strong person, yet with all the falsehoods spread about her and 6 years of stalking, she never thought it would come to what she is experiencing now and how this stalker and his Minions has ruined her life for now, "yes only for now." Christine says, I want people to remember before you spread lies, make sure you can back it all up with factual documents that would stand up in court, not just air head talking gossip, because one day someone is going to take you to court and you better be ready with factual proof or be wiling to be sued for defamation.
Spreading rumors about people actually damages the person you gossip about, think before you speak because it is illegal to damage someones reputation.
Christine's Mother use to say to her.
Are you not glad that you are not like the people who spread rumors? are you not glad that you dont get why people would hurt others and these people who abuse others?
Are you not glad you do not get these kind of people? Because if you got them then you would be no different to them, knowing my daughter I know you would never hurt anyone.
That is why Christine refuses to be around negative abusive people, yes, gossiping is from people who are abusive as well, because gossip is a type of abuse, spreading falsehoods about people is abuse, "it is verbal abuse".
Christine's mother said if someone has a need to tell you gossip, ask them why they have a need to tell you what is being said about another person behind their backs? then walk away, do not give them a chance to tell you the falsehood gossip. Dis-empower them and their small minded thinking.
When someone spreads Falsehoods about another person, know this.
Falsehood has infinity of combinations, but truth has only one mode of being.

I have climbed this mountain and now I am finished with all your Stalking & Falsehoods.
I am doing this to help Christine and I know Christine would want it done in a way to help others who experience this kind of abuse.
Christine often said to me that she wondered when life would go back to normal? She has spent a few years wondering this since moving to a town after leaving a dysfunctional relationship. Her ex would say it was not dysfunctional, yet I met with Christine most weeks in Sydney and saw the massive changes in her, She never told him we met, because she was not allowed to have friends unless he new them, but Christine kept loads from him, even meeting with our long term friend Ray, she kept loads from him to self protect.
Normal is a relative term nothing more.. Abuse be it emotional or physical creates emotional chaos and psychological upheaval and yes, both of these are very real. Now imagine moving back to a town you feel comfortable with to start a fresh new life and all you are greeted with is falsehoods spread about you, to the point it is damaging, after all mud sticks when lies are spread by haters and accepted by fools.
Life is hard enough leaving and working on the challenges presented to anyone for growth.
Christine say's it is time for her to speak up loud and clear on what she has endured since moving to this town and how it has effected her. Christine said she felt it was easier living in an abusive marriage and relationship compared to dealing with this kind of abuse she has endured.
Christine moved back home and often says to me, that it was the worst thing she could have done, but then everything in life has a message for growth,
life happens for you, not to you. "Christine has told me this for years now"
Christine is a highly multi talented woman, she never stops creating and going after what she wants that suits her and I know she is very good at what she creates. Yet since moving to a town of tall poppies she has been met with loads of falsehoods spread about her, even the sheepal followers who do not know her, and insist that what they have heard is truths, but birds of a feather flock together, so Christine stalkers mates are no different to him.
I have known Christine for 30 years now and what these small-minded people have said about her is not the Christine I know and have known for 30 years.

Time for truths:
Christine moved back to NZ after her break up, she had to bunk down in a home until she found a place of her own. The home she choose after meeting with the head tenant and his mother, who just happened to be there, all dressed to the nines for a false image being portrayed, to aid in smoothing over and hiding what this home and the person was really like. Christine was not privy to criminal behavior in NZ because she had been living overseas for a few years. Little did she know what she was getting into by moving into this home, it was to turn out to be a nightmare.
The nightmare began when after a month of living in this home. Christine had left early one morning and was with a friend until late evening, she arrived home at around 9.30 pm she recalls, to be told the police are looking for you by her flatmate. Christine asked why? and his reply was, because you have been trying to stab me with that knife, he points to the bench, it was Christine's knife when not in use was always kept in the kitchen drawer. Christine laughed at him and said wow I must have long arms. Just then the phone rang and her flatmate said, you better answer that, it will be the police and they will want to talk to you. Christine answered the phone and it was police comms, they asked what is happening? Christine's reply was I do not know, I have been out all day since early morning and just got in to him accusing me of trying to stab him all day. The woman on Police Comms asked if Christine was OK, she said yes and just then the door bell rang and it was two policeman, Christine let them in and proceeded to tell them she had been out all day, and came home to this, One policeman went and talked to her flatmate while the other spoke with Christine, The policeman said I advice you to move out or this will get worse.
Christine's reply was, what makes you think I would stay? and then she said, would you? he said nope, and Christine's reply was neither would I. The next day she moved out to live in her car until she found a place to live.
Moving her stuff out the next day, she was told by the now ex flatmate and his Dr brother, FCK with the bull and get the horns, she ignored it but had her phone on record in her pocket, so she got everything that was said. Always remain ten steps ahead of people like this.
Then a week later after Christine had moved into her place, he found out her landline phone number and would ring constantly, breath then silence and hang up, all recorded dates, times and the amount of calls, all calls tracked back to his landline.
Christine had got a job and the calls did not stop at her home, he also found out where she was working and the phone calls started every ten minutes ringing and asking for Christine, she lost that job a week later due to his constant calls every ten minutes and since then has not been able to get work in this town, remember small town talk spreads fast.
Christine said people do not take you seriously, they look at you, as though it is you with the problem, when Christine's stalker is a predator, online and off line is very socially backwards in his thinking. Christine said she fears the fact that they are gang affiliate, so he told her. By what Christine has told me he has a narcissistic personality disorder with very low self-esteem and he carries a high sense of self worth, he is a very dangerous and delusional person.
When you reject these kind of people they become hell bent and develop an obsessed addiction to you. if you reject their advances then they either send constant emails, follow you, or you receive gifts and or they hack your emails and send out porn to your contacts, in Christine's case this happened. I shut down Christine's email that he hacked, it no longer exists and her new one is fully secured away from his prying eyes and sick mind.
So when Christine was told by the ex-flatmate and his DR brother, " FCK with the bull and you will get the horns" then do not take these
kind do comments lightly. Like Christine said take caution and "Never, ever underestimate a threat. Don't take it lightly, even if it's in an email. Take it to the authorities, but if you ignore it at your own peril. It will only get worse," she says.
The obsession love wheel -- the various stages of a stalker relationship obsession:
The attraction phase
The anxious phase, when the controlling behaviors show themselves
The obsessive phase, where stalking takes place
The destructive phase
"Unless a stalker wants to change, you can't stop them," It has been years for Christine "6 years to be precise" You know the issue with stalking is the stalkers knows that the police will not act upon reports of stalking. The police often say if you ring us to say this person is on your property then we will come. Well what about if they have broken in and are holding you up in your home, no chance of being able to ring then is there. These kind of sick obsessions needs to be taken seriously because people do get hurt if not murdered.
A lot of the time stalkers have addictions issues and in Christine's stalker case he is an alcoholic and was a home detention criminal from a past criminal act he did with loads of interest from a news crew. He spends a lot of time creating fake profiles on Facebook, "non de-plum" names, Wendy Jape, Craig Ogier Wendy Wilson and the list goes one, and even hate campaigns Facebook pages against Christine, all shut down by the police and Netsafe. Every incident is on file with the police and Netsafe, mind you Christine records everything in documentations prepared for court if need be, yes, factual proof.
One indecent that aided in Christine loosing $10.000 where a band approached Christine to manage and set up a tour throughout NZ
Christine got to work straight away, she even designed their t-shirts for them, she did it all, paid for their flights, hotels, hired extra equipment they asked her for, Christine got a van sorted and even offered to set up in her home a room for them to stay in free of charge. I helped her go and get a queen bed and everything they would need in the room she was setting up for them. Christine booked and paid a deposit on some venues which required this, Christine designed the posters and paid for them to be printed off, she also designed the their tickets and had them printed off, Christine set up a film crew, Christine did production in fact Christine did it all, weeks of work to make it happen for this band, and two weeks out she starts getting phone calls from venues saying they wont accommodate a scam artist, they had received phone calls from a woman and a man saying that Christine was a scam artist. These people even rang all the online ticket selling website, like Eventbrite and had Christine locked out of her accounts due to these fools believing the words of lairs, Lies are spread by idiots and believed by fools.
Point of facts.
Do scam artist pay for everything?
Do scam artist open up their home and set up a room with furniture out of their own pockets.
Do scam artists design and print off posters and tickets at their expense?
Do scam artist design their t-shirts and have a few printed off at their expense?
Do scam artists pay for the new band flights?
Do scam artist organize the whole tour taking up time for no return money wise? I know event managers say time is money like all businesses do.
Do scam artist pay for equipment?
Do scam artist pay for hotels and motels required throughout NZ out of their own pocket?
Do scam artist loose money or rip people off? In all my life scam artist rip people off and never ever use their own money to pay for a tour for a band.
I find it very amusing that there are people worldwide who create new businesses everyday, yet when it comes to Christine she is not allowed. Why is it OK for others and not Christine? and why do small minded people go out of their way to make sure she will never be allowed to create anything? This has damaged Christine to the point if she try's and creates jobs, she is being followed and any business she try's and works in with is told not to work with her because she is a so called scam artist, yet funny Christine does not have a criminal record like the stalker has and we know she never ever will.
I have only mentioned a few things that have happened, but I think you get the drift, it has been a nightmare for Christine, loads of tears and fears with David and myself " Mike" supporting her.
You want to see how creative Christine is then go and see her creations HERE, nothing will stop her at all and no one will beat her ever she says', you just to have faith that every moment and challenge is a gift to your higher self.
I know Christine is to be very successful once she finds a way to get all of her projects underway.