End Emotional, Physical & Sexual abuse
FINDING YOURSELF is not how it really works; you aren’t a lost ten-dollar bill in last winter’s coat pocket. "Emily McDowell." You are also not lost, and no one is broken, we are all born whole and complete, then human thinking controls and adjusts you to the abusive lifestyles of conditions placed on you and in return you loose identity, have self doubts plaguing your mind, your thinking and your whole being.
Your true self is right there, buried under cultural conditioning, other people’s opinions and inaccurate conclusions you drew as a kid & and as an adult. Living with the abuse, helped re-create that falsehood belief about who you are. If you can learn a new belief system then you can UN-learn the abusive conditions placed on you. it is your god given right to stand in your own light without any apologies what so ever.
I say dream big and be grandiose, because you need to do things that scare you right down to your core being to gain success on the other side of uncertainty. Doubts are normal for everyone and never ever allow anyone to use your doubts to prevent you from achieving big, just ignore your haters and use their self-hate as your fuel to drive you to your end results, after all this is your life and you must live it your way, without anyone's approval.
Grandiose is not a mental issue, and you are not a narcissistic because you dear to step off the factory line thinking and work towards your dreams. if anyone tells you this then know it is about them and not you they speak about.
If you want to know who controls you, look at who you are not allowed to speak up to. You must remove these people from your life for this reason. They will criticize you, yet they will never allow you to do the same to them. This is why I removed my all of my family from my life, double standards don't work with me, let alone hiding the truths, Speak loud and clear for the world needs change free from abuse, hiding sexual abuse, physical , psychological, child abuse, pretending it never happened will not be the fix for change, you are just handing it down to the next generation and this negative cycle creates a new link in the chain of abuse... Time for neXt for all.

Being ME doesn't work for some, well that is too bad, because being me is what works for me, I was created this way.
Flight within your Light
Christine has made it her mission to help anyone who has suffered at the hands, mouths and fists through abuse. Christine gifts her story and her tools she developed so you know how you can escape to regain your life back your way. Christine also teaches you it is OK if you speak loud and clear with your God given voice.
If family members, friends, work colleagues, husbands & wives make you feel that your thinking, feelings and words are in the wrong, then know abusers will always make you feel in the wrong and guilty for speaking out, after all they wish to hide their true nature of abuse from everyone. You just have to look at the way they treat other people and more so their bosses, they don't abuse any of them so their abuse placed on you is a choice and it is their choice not yours, this is a part of gaslighting.
As an ex-wife and ex member of her family, Christine breaks the silence of the very personal details of her experiences, involving fear, abuse and many times, victim-blaming. Christine speaks up about having her voice silenced since she was six- ten years old after being sexually abused as a child and how she was blamed for this as well right into her adulthood, this is why a lot of abused children end up in dysfunctional relationships, programing through abuse teaches mindset of not being worthy and after all you attract how you feel about yourself. "Birds of a feather flock together" You doubt every breath, thought and step you make, you doubt your existence.
Christine includes what it's like to survive all forms of abuse, violence such as verbal, mental, economic, spiritual, stalking, rape, physical and emotional.
Christine speaks up on how the abuse had a profound psychological deep seated impact on her and why she ended up in an abusive marriage where she was also blamed for the abuse her now ex-husband chose to place on her as though it was her fault. Every human has a God given voice and you must use it to speak up against gals lighting and abuse in any form.
No one who is abused and raped is responsible for the choice of others to harm another human being, but you are responsible for getting yourself back on your God given path. No one is broken, the structures just need re-adjusting again to take you back to who you were born to be.
Christine's Mother would often call her now ex husband, the "twister" but Christine's Mother saw right through his games and she often recognized that he would transfer the blame onto Christine as though it was her, when he was the one who had the drug addiction, sex addiction and was very abusive and controlling. He loved to smash Christine personal things to remind her what he is capable of and what could come if you dont do as I say, he had smashed things since he was a child, and his parents new this, after all the walls of their homes were damaged by him, I wonder where a child develops such anger?
Christine will take you on a journey so you can understand the mind of a manipulating drug abuser and how you can identify the games from the moment you meet a person like this., yes, within the first few minutes and the games these kind of people play.
Christine speaks on why she has nothing to do with her now ex family and even her children who prefer to blame her for their fathers abuse placed on their mother, "Shame relocation" was his plan, so rather than Christine being their verbal punching bag she has removed herself for good from them, all for her own peace of mind..
Christine decided that they would never be there for her, they never really were and she proved it by speaking her mind in emails to them, they proved to her what she already knew. so it was a healthy life plan for Christine to remove them all for good then she can help others who have lived with abuse of any kind and had their voice shut down, like Christine use to be.,
You were born whole and complete and you were given a voice to use for good, so never be silent ever, speak loud and clear, if the people in your life offer no support, then "fire them" just fire them for good, because these kind of people are not meant to be in your life for a darn good reason, be grateful and thank the past stepping stones of life because they are what is designed by a higher power to gift you towards you having Flight within Your Light.
Christine will give you a road map on how to deal with the disassociation from your children when their minds have been fed with falsehood toxins. Christine will give you the tools so you can give your life the power to stand in your own light, re-inventing your life your way without anyone's permission, thereby giving you "Flight within your Light"
Christine refuses to be a part of the sacred silence that plagues our society through the cyclical cycle handed down for the next generations, if the abuse cycle is to change then we need to start at the root of the cause and teach people to speak up loud and clear.
Christine wanted to share her story, to let others know that abuse dose not need to define you, you are not broken, what you have learned through the abuse YOU can UNLEARN. You have a voice and the power to speak out. Never allow anyone to blame you for others protected dysfunctions and never ever let anyone control who you are, or your God given voice, given to you from a power way higher than any human being, after all no human can make the 400 billions of thoughts movements that are going on in your super sub-conscious, daily, every second, no human can create that only the higher power created this.
You are enough, you are not broken, you are whole and complete from the moment of conception and even way before that, so never let anyone tell you otherwise, because all they are, are words, nothing more, just thoughts that produce words which just hold no weight.
People who must abuse you verbally, trying to make you shut down your Flight within your Light are sad people who are often jealous and cannot stand seeing others dear to step into their own light so they can Soar High, just feel sorry for them for because they can only love others to the capacity they love themselves. Forgive them anyway and remain true to who you are without their permission what so ever. This is your life, you must be true to who you are first and foremost.
Do you struggle with self-doubts after living with abuse of any kind?
Are you afraid to speak out when you know something is wrong?
Do you believe the chatter in your head is truthful?
Do you think fear has engulfed your life?
Do you lack confidence after leaving abuse and not knowing which way to turn?
Do you feel you are destine for better in your Life but don't know which way to turn?
Do you feel like you are not enough?
Then attend the Soar High workshop to help combat all of the above and more with a road map for your new life once and for all
so you can Soar High and have
"Flight within your light"
without anyone permission what so ever.
My Friend Michael Wilks will be playing at my Soar High Workshop. This song is for all those ex husbands, Wife's, Friends, and Families