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Design your life your way. The power is within you to Soar High
When it comes to living your life your way, remember you have your own life in your hands and only you can plant the seeds for change and growth.
The universe is giving us messages everyday, but are you taking notice? Do you feel
that you are seeking answers to questions in your life and never finding the right solutions?
The “language barrier” with the universe is a major hindrance for many; once you’re able to learn the language, your experience of life will only grow with abundance.

Plant your seeds and nurture them everyday.
Self identification is the key towards success.
We already have all of who we are within us, we are all born whole and complete, although like all of us humans, we allow life to clutter up our true purpose and in return this clouds out who we were born to be naturally, yes we allow to let life get in our way for who we really naturally desire to be.
We already know what we like and don't like, we do this everyday, it as simple as what coffee we choose in a cafe, we buy clothes we love and how we like our homes to be. We already naturally select what we love every day without even a thought, it just flows naturally from within.
How do we UN-clutter our minds to allow our true purpose in so as to receive abundance in our lives?
These are my "Christine Bogers" six simple steps to identifying the universe within is whispering to us to stop, breath and take notice so we can take action to bring forth our true desires, our true being.
Here are the five tips on how you can decode yourself and your life, and to understand more about the awesome experience unfolding around you.
How do we UN-clutter our minds to allow our true purpose in so as to receive abundance in our lives?
These are my "Christine Bogers" six simple steps to identifying the universe within is whispering to us to stop, breath and take notice so we can take action to bring forth our true desires, our true being.
Here are the five tips on how you can decode yourself and your life, and to understand more about the awesome experience unfolding around you.
Christine Bogers and her Soar High Workshop
Notice and feel within yourself the desires by cultivating the desire to receive.
The universe is giving us messages everyday, but are you taking notice? read on to learn how to identify the signs and messages being given.
Pay attention.
The universe has many ways to bring forth the messages you seek, eg. you are greeted by a person wearing a t-shirt with a message on it, you notice the message and associate it with an answer to a question you asked yourself.
The intelligence of the universe is boundless and is always connected to you and is always seeking strength with its connection to you. Yes it can be hard to notice these messages if you are in struggle. Just pay more attention of all the good and bad of what you are experiencing. I mean why ask questions if you are just ignoring the answers. Pay close attention to your environment in your times of seeking. You will be surprised what pops up when you do, pay full attention.
Start a journal of reoccurring experiences
As you start to pay more attention to the occurrences happening in your life, you may notice repeats; make a note of them. You dont need to write these repeating occurrences down, although I suggest you do for later references, to bring forth a clearer picture. these repeats are for a reason. For example you are looking for a new job and you are stressed due to all the rejected resumes. You get out there and start to look for work by visiting work places, but you notice you keep seeing this person everywhere you go and then you go into a cafe and notice the only seat available is with the person you have noticed over the last few day. You ask if it is OK to sit with this person and you strike up a conversation where you tell him/her that you are looking for work. Their reply is they work for an amazing company and are currently looking at hiring. This is an example of Synchronization.
The universe is not subtle. When a message is sent, it’s meant to be heard loud and clear. Just because we do not get it at first doesn’t mean that it’s not there. Sometimes these messages will be sent repeatedly until we get them. So pay attention, make notes, and begin to unlock those hidden potentialities in the recurring experiences of your life.
Tune yourself into Sensitivity.
To become more aware of the signs from the universe, pay attention fully to yourself. Remember you are one with the universe therefore the creation message should resonate with you on some level. Even if you don’t understand it, your higher self will alert you that something is significant about the occurrence, person, or symbol. We all have our own levels of awareness. This skill can be bought forth by anyone through self-reflection and meditation. The more you allow yourself to tune into your intuition and inner world, the more loudly and clearly your dialogue with the universe becomes clear.
Once you start to become more aware of the signs around you, remember that you have the power to see what you want. If you ask for something and the universe presents what you think and you are willing to jump through hoops, climb that rocky terrain, then this may not be the universe speaking to you.
To avoid this problem you need to completely surrender. If you want an answer or a sign then you need to release your personal investment in the answer on your specific topic in the answer, Just allow it to come.
If you truly want want to experience all that you seek then allow the experience to be more important than the answer you derive from it. Do not shortchange yourself by placing words and thoughts into the universal proverbial mouth. If you dont have the answers for what you seek, then keep that in mind and just surrender.
Do not over complicate the sign given,.
You may get lost while you seek for the truth. You may receive a sign but then continue to seek our more instead of accepting the message. I know this only to well I have done this myself and all it did was lead me to a more confusing complicated mess.
The universe expresses everything in the simplicity of its genius, we can see the truth in nature all the time. "Just be, period" if the universe told you to "go left," dont add the complications of asking why and how and at what point do I take the left turn. Just do it!
We as human beings do tend to get in our own way, and nothing so more true when we are receiving signs as answers from the universe. What ever message or sign you are receiving it is the universe providing in that moment, which is why you felt that momentary impact. This person or thing is more than likely just a carrier of the intelligence so that it reaches you in the right way.
Allow yourself to receive Fully..
You are always engaged with a conversation with the universe. A moment in time with a profound sign of realization, may be only a part of the sign or message, just continue to allow yourself to receive. Remember, when you know or need to know, you will. There will be no confusion or doubt about what is being said. Seek out this kind of relationship with the universe and it will most certainly support you. Dont ever get caught up in the message, because you will end up more lost. Trust in the source, within and outside of yourself. Signs are not meant to be ambiguous, even if they appear to be so at first. Seek and find, then receive fully, in order to find your truth.
Recognizing and receiving information through signs depends on willingness, earnest seeking, and just plain listening. The universe is always here to help us, so let it help, and pay attention to what it is telling you.