What dose Next stand for? N - NEW | E - EMPOWERMENT | X - EX | T - Transition
My message to you is that domestic violence happens to everyone in all walks of life, rich and poor, all races, all religions, everyone, all incomes and education levels and it happens everywhere in our society, both to males and females, girls and boys of all ages, It is time to stand together and say neXt because the old ways are not working.
Everyone thinks domestic violence happens to women and it is a women’s issue, not exactly: over 85% of abusers are men, but we must remember that men are considered weak if they speak out about being abused by their female partner. Therefore I would question these figures as factual concerning men. It is a MYTH that domestic violence only happens to women, FACT 40% or more of domestic violence victims are men.
So why dont victims leave? Everyone always asks this: why don't they just walk out? I'm sure they could leave any time. This is the saddest and most painful question anyone can ask, because victims know things that you don’t. The final step in the domestic violence is kill her/him. Over 70% of domestic violence murders happen after the victim has ended the relationship after she or he have gotten out, because then the abuser has nothing left to lose. Other outcomes are long term stalking, even after the abuser re-marries. Manipulation and poisoning of the children's minds so they blame the victim. Denial of financial resources and manipulation of the family court resources terrify the victim and her children and force the children to spend unsupervised time with the woman/man who threatened to rape her children, beat her children and threaten to kill her children’s mother/father. Then she/he is still asked why she won’t leave?
Society tends to stereotype women from domestic violence as self-destructive women, damaged goods. The question, why does she stay, is code for some people, it being her fault for staying, as if victims intentionally choose to fall in love with men who are intent on destroying women. Now think of this kind of label being applied to men, who are supposed to be strong, but are classified as weak if they mention they are being abused by their female partner. Men don't want this mentioned, do they?
Abuse only thrives in silence. You have the power to end domestic violence and I want to thank you all of you for becoming a part of this movement standing behind everyone. You are helping by Shining The Light on it and breaking the silence.
All victims need support, they need all of you to understand the secrets of domestic violence. Give abuse victims “Flight Within The Light” by talking about it with your co-workers, with your friends, with your family, with everyone. Re-invent survivors as beautiful, wonderful, lovable people with full futures. Recognize the early signs and be strong enough to intervene before it escalates and show victims a safe way out. Together we can make a safe and peaceful haven the way it should be. Time to take control and help victims have "Flight Within Their Light”
What will be happening?
We are creating a movement for those against abuse of all kinds, Child abuse, Domestic violence any abuse against either sex, yes, both Male and Female and Children, it is just not OK. Next will be forming a united collective of all HUMANS. Then we are no longer sitting in the male and female corners screaming at each other who is worse off. Violence is violence and it is time to say NEXT.
I have come up with an Idea to help drive more awareness and break down the barriers of stigma, shame and silence behind domestic violence, psychological abuse, sexual abuse for all humans from all races, sexes and ages.
Read below for full details and then register to become a part of this movement.
The Cause.
NEXT is seeking YOU to get involved to help raise funds to help everyone up and out of abuse, all races, ages, and sexes that have suffered at the hands of others negative dysfunctions.
The idea is to create a Festival where a donation in kind will go towards a program within community organizations helping people up and out of abuse.
More coming soon as we develop everything.
Christine's objective is to make NEXT a whole collective of humans supporting each other and helping to make changes as a whole community, lifting everyone up and out for a sound and solid future, the one we all deserve. Christine will be giving men a voice, rather than society sweeping it under the carpet as though men never suffer abuse at the hands of a woman.
Let's make a loud noise and say no more, NEXT life, NEXT, new YOU, and Next to the abuse being gone from your life, giving you all "Flight within your Light
Next promises to never go away, we will always be in the faces of the public on a daily basis and never fade into the background ever, because that is the power of speaking and workshops.